Many template-based docking predictions fall into acceptable quality category, according to the CAPRI criteria, even for highly inaccurate proteins (5 […]
Category: PC-PLC
There is no factor in the survival rate among the control, PC-SA-treated, and irinotecan HCl-treated groups
There is no factor in the survival rate among the control, PC-SA-treated, and irinotecan HCl-treated groups. in the efficacies from […]
The coding SNP rs1801274 has been validated in a number of KD ancestry cohorts and was shown to cause a difference in the ability of FcRIIa to bind the human IgG2 immunoglobulin isotype
The coding SNP rs1801274 has been validated in a number of KD ancestry cohorts and was shown to cause a […]
The KIRs with short and long cytoplasmic domains are activating and inhibitory receptors and transduce their signals through DAP-12 and tyrosine-based motifs, respectively
The KIRs with short and long cytoplasmic domains are activating and inhibitory receptors and transduce their signals through DAP-12 and […]
This is accomplished through a learning from your errors process that compared computed geometries and key contacts with those produced from X-ray crystallographic data
This is accomplished through a learning from your errors process that compared computed geometries and key contacts with those produced […]
Two other mice treated with vehicle alone served simply because settings (? and ?)
Two other mice treated with vehicle alone served simply because settings (? and ?). With this paper, we demonstrate that […]
This makes them a particular class of drug (or “nano-drug”) as another generation nano-therapeutics
This makes them a particular class of drug (or “nano-drug”) as another generation nano-therapeutics. In this process, we present a […]
In keeping with the function of ERK1/2, preincubation of cells with ERK1/2 pathway inhibitor PD98059 blocked the result of artemisinin even though PI3K inhibitor LY294002 does not have any effect
In keeping with the function of ERK1/2, preincubation of cells with ERK1/2 pathway inhibitor PD98059 blocked the result of artemisinin […]