1. Particular detection of PODXL by PcMab-47 using flow cytometry. in malignancies and normal cells. Keywords:?: podocalyxin, PODXL, monoclonal antibody, […]
Category: P-Type ATPase
Data shown are consultant of 2 separate tests
Data shown are consultant of 2 separate tests. with J774A.1 macrophages every day and night. Fluorescent and DIC pictures of […]
The cDNAs for kinase active and kinase inactive forms of Fyn, Lck, and ZAP-70 were previously described32C35
The cDNAs for kinase active and kinase inactive forms of Fyn, Lck, and ZAP-70 were previously described32C35. function but how […]
Moreno, R
Moreno, R., L. All 11 peptidomimetic-specific monoclonal antibodies produced had been cross-reactive with parasite-expressed AMA-1. Antigen binding assays using a […]
(TIFF 16875 kb) Additional file 6:(16M, tiff)Figure S5
(TIFF 16875 kb) Additional file 6:(16M, tiff)Figure S5. GUID:?AE1347C0-27F0-47F0-A8C0-FB4DB10C70B6 Additional file 4: Number S3. Gene expression and survival. (TIFF 33984 […]
MDA MB 231 and ZR 75 1 cells were transfected with pSV, pU, pUPA and pU2 as described above
MDA MB 231 and ZR 75 1 cells were transfected with pSV, pU, pUPA and pU2 as described above. conditioned […]