The mutations were compared by us identified inside our complete genomes study with those reported in GISAID. Primase can be […]
Category: Other Transferases
created scDam&T\seq (one\cell DNA adenine methyltransferase identification with messenger RNA sequencing from the same cell) for the simultaneous quantification of protein\DNA associates and gene expression
created scDam&T\seq (one\cell DNA adenine methyltransferase identification with messenger RNA sequencing from the same cell) for the simultaneous quantification of […]
Several cytokines including EGF, GM-CSF, IFN
Several cytokines including EGF, GM-CSF, IFN. channels superimposed (right). White arrows point to labeled cells. Bars represent 50m.(PDF) pone.0164353.s002.pdf (6.4M) […]
It’s been shown how the NOTCH signaling pathway regulates normal stem cells in the mind, which GBMs contain stem-like cells with higher NOTCH activity
It’s been shown how the NOTCH signaling pathway regulates normal stem cells in the mind, which GBMs contain stem-like cells […]
Knockdown of EIF5A2 in the NSCLC cells significantly inhibited cell proliferation and induced apoptosis
Knockdown of EIF5A2 in the NSCLC cells significantly inhibited cell proliferation and induced apoptosis. silencing suppressed cell intrusive and migratory […]