[PubMed] [Google Scholar]Bortnick A, Chernova I, Quinn WJ 3rd, Mugnier M, Cancro MP, and Allman D (2012). survival and the […]
HLA-specific DSA information was obtainable in 66 of 87 individuals and 60 of 66 recipients had circulating DSA
HLA-specific DSA information was obtainable in 66 of 87 individuals and 60 of 66 recipients had circulating DSA. concurrent chronic […]
10.1021/jf00049a010 [CrossRef] [Google Scholar] 43. While attempts to Azaphen (Pipofezine) build up vaccines targeting different life cycle phases from the […]
Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol
Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. focal adhesion Pirarubicin kinase (FAK), which functions as an adaptor between Dyn2 and Src to […]
Bonferroni correction was applied to adjust for multiple comparisons
Bonferroni correction was applied to adjust for multiple comparisons. of IgA antibodies (p?=?0.007 for IgA aCL and p?=?0.059 for IgA […]
We found that gp34 and gp68 are envelope proteins that bind and internalize human IgGs on the surface of infected cells
We found that gp34 and gp68 are envelope proteins that bind and internalize human IgGs on the surface of infected […]
Immunogenicity and protective efficiency of recombinant flagellum-secreted protein in mice
Immunogenicity and protective efficiency of recombinant flagellum-secreted protein in mice. antigen(s) within all serotypes is normally expected to Tecarfarin sodium […]
VAJK, UG, and SB analyzed and interpreted the microbiological data
VAJK, UG, and SB analyzed and interpreted the microbiological data. 2?days of gestation by cesarean section due to maternal COVID-19-related […]
T cell and neutralizing antibody ratings were calculated by quartile position responses, where in fact the best quartile received a rating of 4 and the cheapest quartile received a rating of just one 1
T cell and neutralizing antibody ratings were calculated by quartile position responses, where in fact the best quartile received a […]
Two HS chains are attached to the C-terminal portion of GPC3
Two HS chains are attached to the C-terminal portion of GPC3. A host of studies confirmed that GPC3 is an […]